Jim Zheng Posts About Now Photos

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Data Mesh

I'm currently an Engineering Manager building out our data mesh. This includes

This is already 90% of my life. I love to be connected to folks working on this, send me an invite

Passion /Creator Economy For Developers

Developers in my mind are the traditional "makers". But "creators" have taken the mantle and really showed that multi-million dollar brands can be built by indivduals. Meanwhile, most developers, through incentive engineering and schooling, find themselves in jobs that don't align with their passions. What if we could bring the successes and empowerement that the creator economy has given to content creators, to developers?


In the spare time I have, I'm trying to give back in two ways. One is value-based mentorship. I've found mentors incredibly helpful, but most folks I've talked to never find one. A large part of this is changing mindset, but finding a mentor who is 2-steps ahead and has shared values is rare. Our goal is to make this easier. More about value-based mentorship here. The second is volunteering. I'm open to tutoring and coaching opportunities for pre-college kids, and new grads looking to get into the engineering market. If you'd like to speak, send me an invite


I'm currently reading the Streaming Systems Book and the Big Blue Book on Domain Driven Design. My anti-library consist of readings on history and macroeconomics.


I'm playing a lot of online blitz chess at chess.com. This is partially inspired by watching Queen's Gambit. My rating's around 1600-1800 range depending how much effort I put into calculating. I'd be happy if I can get it up to 2000 on blitz.